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Lapping & polishing machines

LAM PLAN lapping and polishing machines have been developed with the products of our patented LAM PLAN M’M’ system. The LAM PLAN range of lapping and polishing machines respond to multiple lapping and polishing applications. These machines will respond to the market’s demand in terms of high quality polishing flattening of surfaces inferior to a micron.

M.M.9120 and M.M.9150

Available soon

Based on the M.M.9000 series technolgy, we offer versions of our machines with plates between Ø 1200 mm and 1500 mm for maintenance operations on large parts or for production applications. A technical study and specifications will be provided on demand.

M.M.9120 E: Ø 1200 mm, without pressure system.
M.M.9120 S: Ø 1200 mm, 3 pneumatic pressure cylinders.
M.M.9120 SR: Ø 1200 mm, 3 pneumatic pressure cylinders on a morirized rotating arm.
M.M.9120 S4R: Ø 1200 mm, 4 rings et 4 pneumatic pressure cylinders on a morirized rotating arm.
M.M.9150 E: Ø 1500 mm, without pressure system.
M.M.9150 S: Ø 1500 mm, 3 pneumatic pressure cylinders.


The wide spectrum of the proposed versions allows treating parts of all dimensions, from micro mechanic to sealing parts measuring several decimetres. Our equipment, associated to our consumables will insure repeatable results on all materials used in Industry.

Simple face lapping machine capacities

(number of parts per ring)

Double-side lapping machine capacities

(number of parts per satellite)

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lam plan société gaillard
With the support
La Région Auvergne Rhône-Alpes

Contact us

7, rue des Jardins - B.P.15
74240 Gaillard - France
header-receiver +33 (0)4 50 43 96 30

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