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Metallographic reagents

Etching reagents are used to examine the structure of metallic materials.

Metallographic etchants

The objective of the micrographic analysis is to highlight the structure of the material (inclusions, grain boundaries, phases, …) using an optical microscope. These reagents act either by preferential chemical attack, or by coloration of certain constituents compared to others.


lamplan polissage fluidesetlubrifiants reactifacier   lamplan polissage fluidesetlubrifiants fonte
 Steel etching nittal 5 %    Lamellar cast iron nittal attack 5 %

Nital 5% reagent

 Packaging : 1 liter
Highlighting Ref. 
Room temperature, a few seconds
– Iron and ferrous alloys (cast iron and steel)
– Magnesium and its alloys
– Tin and its alloys
– Pure titanium
– Cadmium and its alloys
– Welding of steels
– Ferrite grain boundaries and constituents
– Segregation and case hardening zones
08 RN050 20

Nitric acid 10% reagent

 Packaging: 1 liter
Highlighting Ref. 
Room temperature
– Steels
– Phases on ferritic welds in steels 08 RR090 20

Murakami reagent

 Packaging: 1 liter
Highlighting Ref. 
Room temperature or hot, 60 seconds
– Iron and ferrous alloys (cast iron and steel)
– Tungsten alloys
­­­­- Carbide highlighting: to blacken carbides, Use at 80°C to boiling under fume hood.
– Weakly revealed Σ (sigma) phase after 3min at room temperature.
08 RR030 20

Kalling n°1 reagent

 Packaging: 1 liter
Highlighting Ref. 
Room temperature
– Martensitic stainless steels
­­- To color in black the martensite of stainless steels.
– To color the ferrite
– To highlight segregations and austenite grain boundaries.
08 RR040 20

Oberhoffer reagent

 Packaging: 1 liter
Highlighting Ref. 
Room temperature, 20 seconds
– Non-alloyed steels
– Low-alloyed steels
­­- Primary structures (fiber layer)
– Make phosphorus accumulations visible
08 RR050 20

Keller reagent

 Packaging: 1 liter
Highlighting Ref. 
Room temperature
– Aluminium and its alloys,
– Titanium alloys
– Highlighting of the phases 08 RR060 20

Kroll’s reagent

 Packaging: 1 liter
Highlighting Ref. 
Room temperature
– Aluminium and its alloys
– Titanium alloys (mainly Ti-Al-V(-Sn))
– Highlighting of the phases 08 RR070 20

Marble reagent

 Packaging: 1 liter
Highlighting Ref. 
Room temperature, 10 seconds
– Austenitic steels
– High temperature steels
– Cobalt superalloys
­­- Highlighting of the austenitic phase nuances
– Attack of the Σ phase (sigma)
– Highlighting of the grain structures
08 RR080 20

Picral-2 reagent

 Packaging: 1 liter
Highlighting Ref. 
Room temperature, few seconds
– Iron and ferrous alloys (cast iron and steel)
­­- Structures composed of ferrite
– Reveal carbides.
– Reveal fine microstructures.
– Revealing the grain boundaries
08 RR020 20

klemm I reagent

 Packaging: 1 liter
Highlighting Ref. 
Room temperature
– Non-alloy and low-alloy steels
– Cast iron
– Manganese and zinc steels
– Brass and bronze
– Low alloyed zinc
­­Staining Reagent:
– On steels: 40 to 100 sec to color the ferrite, blue and brown depending on the orientation of the grain. Carbides, cementite and phosphides are not colored and remain white
– On brass and bronze: 3 min to color b phase, 10 to 60min for β phase
– On zinc alloys: 30 sec
08 RR010 10

klemm II reagent

 Packaging: 1 liter
Highlighting Ref. 
Room temperature
– Manganese alloys
– Copper and its alloys (brass and bronze)
– Tin and its alloys
­­To reveal the austenitic phase of manganese alloys.
Reagent for staining and analyzing soft solder:
Brass: 6 min for α phase
Tin and alloys : 60 to 90 sec
08 RR010 20

10% soda solution

 Packaging: 1 liter
Highlighting Ref. 
Room temperature or 5 sec. at 70°C
For all aluminum and its wrought alloys.
­­Aluminium welding
Phase identification
08 RS100 20

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